Maxime Rioux
Technical Designer — Systems Designer — Game Designer
I am Maxime Rioux, a graduate game design student at UQAT Montréal.
Since my earliest days as I child, I've wanted to work on games and create experiences that can engrave themselves into people's imaginary.
I haven't met someone else with quite the level of curiosity I have, for I broke my toys as child not because I lacked care, but because I wanted to understand them. To this day, this is what drives me to always push my limits and get a better grasp at everything I wish to accomplish.
During my academic journey, I came to try various aspects of game development and tech in general, including game design, programming using various languages, problem solving, web development, graphics design, 3D modelling and animation, 2D illustration, and more. 
For that reason, I came to understand just how much of an undertaking creating a game is, and started to respect those who specialize into any field of development. Accordingly, I grew to employ a most cooperative and open-minded attitude when working in team, as a designer and scripter, as I know I wouldn't be able to create the experiences of my dreams just by myself, and because I understand just how much effort my coworkers put into building their own skill sets.

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